Custom day trips and retreats in the natural surroundings of Barcelona, Catalonia, and Spain led by professional coaches and mountain guides.
From 2h to xx-day trips (no limits)
Adventure à la carte

Inspirational / Challenging outings that best fit your team
2 or 3 day-trips
Coaching & Nature


Leadership in uncertain times

Keys to Trust
Learn with pro coaches how to grow as a team
Teambuiding and outdoor activities for companies
Yepalo offers team building activities and retreats in the nature around Barcelona, combining coaching and adventures sports such as hiking, climbing, canyoning, kayaking and more. A professional team of coaches and licensed mountain guide will create for you a unique gateway to reach the goals you set up for your team. We offer day trips as well as all included 2- 3 days retreats.
Experiential workshops in nature: 2-3 days retreats
Along with professional coaches, we have developed 3 different programs consisting of 2-3 days of workshops and outdoor adventures in the most inspiring spots of Catalonia and Spain. Take your team on a transforming journey surrounded by nature!
Custom Inspirational and/or challenging adventures
Want to spend some special time with your colleagues outside the office? Tell us more about your team and what it needs: from a half-a-day trip to several days retreats, we'll help you set up a unique and memorable teambuilding outing!