Ordesa & Monte Perdido National Park, 4 days hiking
Explore the beautiful Ordesa National Park and discover the impressive valleys, cliffs and breaches composing these enchanting landscapes.

26 Aug 2020, 08:00 – 29 Aug 2020, 21:00
Meeting poing, Palau Reial, carrer de John Maynard Keynes, 2, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
About the activity
€240: 3 nights and 4 days hiking.
We'll explore the highest limestone massif of Europe and enjoy the impressive carved landscapes that are associated to this rock composition. This valley has been, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. We'll hike in the valleys of glacial origin, which draw the cliffs and breaches in the steep walls of these massifs.
What will we do? We'll spend 4 days exploring the most impressive spots of this National Park, such as the valley of Ordesa or Pineta, the impressive cliffs of Añisclo, or the beautiful waterfalls like the “Cola de Caballo” or “Lalarri waterfall”, among many others. We’ll also hang around the typical villages of the area, such as Torla, Sarvisé or Aínsa itself (where we will sleep) which is part of the ranking of "The most beautiful towns in Spain".
YEPALO will decide the exact location of the outings based on the weather conditions for maximum safety and comfort of all participants.
Difficulty: easy-moderate. From 5 to 8 hours hiking each day. We will walk from 10 up to 20km with positive elevation gain from 400m to 900m.
Accommodation: we’ll be staying in a hotel on the banks of the Cinca river in the beautiful town of Aínsa (including in the ranking of "The most beautiful towns in Spain"). We’ll in double rooms (single beds) with private bathroom. The hotel offers breakfast for additional € 6.
How we'll get there? We'll be sharing private cars. When you sign up, you'll be invited to let us know if you have a car, and how many people can come with you. Sharing private cars (we will share the cost of gasoline and tolls - (being a courtesy detail that the person offering the car will not have to contribute). You can also meet us at destination at 12:00.
What to bring?
Mountain shoes (high boots recommended)
Sun protection (glasses, cap, sunscreen)
Water (1,5L)
Walking sticks (recommended)
Waterproof jacket
Polar Fleece
Swimming suit + towel (river baths)
Total price of activity €240 Advance payment: €100 (the remaining amount is to be paid in cash on the first day)
+ Includes: 3 nights in the hotel, 4 days hiking with an official mountain guide, insurance in case of accident+CL.
- Do not include: transportation, meals, bus ticket to reach the starting point of the Ordesa hike (€ 4.5 round trip).
Maximum number of participants: 9
Cancellation policy:
COVID19: in case of cancellation due to Covid-19 restrictions, we'll proceed to a full refund.
If cancellation till 72h before the beginning of the activity, 50% of the total amount will be charged. If late cancellation (less than 72h before), full payment will be requested.
Down payment 42%
Total price: €240 INCLUDES: accommodation, professional mountain guide, insurance in case of accident + CL. NOT INCLUDED: transportation, meals, bus ticket to reach the starting point of the Ordesa hike (€ 4.5 round trip), anything not included in "INCLUDES".
€100.00Sale ended